Persons And Their Growth

Persons and their Growth

Price: €19.00 + postage and packing for Ireland is €7.00 and it varies for overseas

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Summary of Book:

“Persons and their growth”, The anthropological and psychological foundations of PRH Education”
Written by a PRH-International team, this book presents the PRH research.
The origins of PRH psycho-pedagogy
Part One
Psychological and pedagogical research at PRH
Part Two
The PRH explanatory system
An overall approach to the person The five pivotal centres of the person and their different ways of functioning
The Being
The “I”
The Body
The Sensibility
The Deep Conscience
Persons and their environment
Relational and affective life
The phenomenon of growth
The phenomenon of healing past wounds
The meaning of life
The person in order
Part Three
Applications and extensions of the PRH explanatory system : social dimension
The group
The couple
The education of children
By way of conclusion
Impacts of the growth of persons on Society