
PRH have seven publications that you can purchase from PRH Ireland.  Click image of book for more information. See below for how to order these books by post.

Persons and Their Growth

PersonsAndTheirGrowth €19.00 + €7.00 postage per book
The anthropological and psychological foundations of PRH Education


When Life Breaks Through

WhenLifeBreaksThrough– €27.50 + €7.00 postage per book
The Dynamics of PRH Helping Relationships.

A map for life in depth

AMapForLife €18.00 + €4.50 postage per book


Writing it really helps!

 WritingItReallyHelps€12.00 + €1.70 postage per book


Standing up the art of ‘existing’

book€12.00 + €1.70 postage per book


A personal growth workbook 

Book Scan 2€10.00 + €2.30 postage per book


A journal for personal growth 

€10.00 + €2.30 postage per booBook Scan 3



You can purchase any of these books by downloading and printing the order form.

Download Order Form – PRH Publications

Send the completed order form and cheque to:

Mary Silke
Co. Galway